Civil law

Civil law

Civil law is a domain of law we often hear about, because it regulates property and personal relations between legal and natural persons. The provisions of the Civil Code apply to most matters of everyday life.

As part of our activities, our law firm provides services in the field of civil law in many contexts, we provide comprehensive legal assistance to individuals - we conduct consumer, inheritance, housing cases, cases related to prescription, disputes over payment, neighbors’ disputes, disputes related to contractual obligations and contracts in general, as well as issues connected with debt collection. We draw up and review contracts. In particular, we offer assistance in the following matters:

  • in the field of property law (applies to all matters relating to the property rights);
  • conducting inheritance proceedings, including inheritance division; 
  • regarding the division of co-ownership, including advice on ending joint tenancy;
  • conducting proceedings in the field of contract law;
  • legal representation in all matters; 
  • representation of clients in enforcement proceedings;
  • preparing civil law contracts, legal opinions, formulating pleadings.