

Our Law Firm provides legal assistance to injured persons and their families. The most common causes of legal disputes are lowered value of compensation or failure to pay the corresponding compensation amount. We participate, along with our clients, in negotiations with insurers as well as represent the injured person before all instances of common courts. Our goal is to obtain the highest possible compensation amount to fully protect the interests of our clients.

Sometimes the insurer refuses to pay the injured person the corresponding compensation or lowers its amount. Our Law Firm offers comprehensive assistance in such matters: we represent clients at all stages of the proceedings, i.e. pre-litigation with the insurer, in court and during enforcement proceedings. We represent clients before the insurers in cases related to the claim settlement, we provide assistance in submitting claims directed to insurers, we also provide advice on determining the scope and amount of compensation due. Then, if it is necessary to further demand due compensation, we represent the injured person before the courts of all instances as well as help at the stage of enforcement proceedings. 

We specialize in obtaining compensation due both in the case of motor insurance claims (OC, AC), personal injury (health detriment as a result of an accident, deterioration of the economic situation or, death of a relative) and property damage (destruction or loss of property as a result of fire, water damage or theft). It is well known that obtaining due compensation after an accident, for a damaged car or even a flooded apartment is burdensome and often does not bring the expected result. Our goal is to raise victims’ awareness of their rights. We want to raise awareness of how to make use of legal rights. Many times, victims could get much higher compensation after an accident - but because they don’t know how to do it or are afraid of taking legal actions, they don’t execute their rights the way they could


Medical malpractice cases are one of the most complex legal issues. Handling cases in the field of medical malpractice requires lawyers not only to master this domain of law, but also to be aware of the terms and intricacies of the medical aspects of the case.

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Personal injuries include, firstly, all bodily injuries and health detriment suffered as a result of various accidents, medical malpractice, etc., but also suffering as a result of the death of a relative.

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Farmers are legally obliged to enter into a farmers' civil liability insurance agreement. Farmers' civil liability insurance covers the civil liability of a farmer and any person who, while working on a farm

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Apart from motor and personal losses you may be affected by other property damages, such as damage to the property or property losses a result of fire, water or theft. We represent victims before the insurer to claim compensation for property damages.

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Motor damage is damage to the vehicle or its theft. In this case, we submit a claim to the insurer on behalf of the victim for compensation for a stolen or damaged vehicle, both from the injured party's and the perpetrator's civil liability insurance.

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